Saturday, July 3, 2010

What Does It Mean to be American?

During the celebration of our country’s Independence we often reflect upon the price we’ve paid for our freedom. We thank and remember those in service who selflessly trade their lives so we may have better ones. We broke away from the British Empire because we wanted better lives – yearned for the freedom to make our own choices. Yet, it seems as though today we’re faced with more rules and regulations than ever. We cannot marry whomever we chose. We cannot seek medical help when we are ill. It is in these times we wonder what is the most important thing to fight for? We need to get back to the basics. Get OUT from under the Empire’s thumb. We’ve ended up back where we started. Taxes, illness, poverty, unjust treatment…of not just human, but of all beings. Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. Take a minute to think about the way we treat our animals.

Behind the closed doors of factory farms (slaughterhouses), billions of cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, horses, etc, are subjected to a life of misery that few could even imagine; suffering out of sight and out of mind. These animals only know a life filled with severe confinement, abusive handling, painful mutilations, careless neglect and merciless slaughter. Though these animals struggle, kick and scream, their cries repeatedly fall on the deaf ears of profit-driven factory farm producers, who view these responsive and intelligent creatures as mere commodities.

If you haven’t yet seen Food, Inc., I highly recommend you do. I guarantee you will learn something about your food. Not just about how the animals are raised and how they’re treated, but about what companies aren’t telling you – they are lobbying our senators and governors to get what they want and they’re getting it. They keep getting what they want because we aren’t fighting for a change.

This poor woman who lost her son due to an E-coli infected burger cannot even say on camera that she has changed the way she eats! They will come after her, sue her and make her out to be the bad guy. What does this remind you of?  Oprah??
Oprah’s statement of not wanting to eat another hamburger (guest: Howard Lyman) – caused 6 years of litigation and over $1 million in legal fees..
"In 1999, University of Wyoming law professor, Debra Donahue, who holds a masters degree in wildlife biology, wrote a book in which she said the most important thing that could be done to protect species from extinction and preserve biodiversity is to remove livestock from nearly all public lands. In response, Wyoming Senate president and cattleman Jim Twiford proposed a bill that would dismantle the university law school." (Wilkinson, Todd, "In a Battle over Cattle, both sides await grazing ruling," Christian Science Monitor, May 1, 2000)
There are only 3 or 4 companies controlling the meat market. This isn’t just major market control, this is control over an entire populations’ food. The sad thing is: we’re allowing it to continue. Every day you get three votes to tell the government how you want your food grown. You get three votes to improve the environment, your health and our society.
Another topic mentioned in Food, Inc. are the much-admired Commodity Crops – the majority of what makes up the bad calories (sodas, candy, processed foods). These commodity crops (and NAFTA) did away with the need to import corn from Mexico leaving thousands of farmers and ranch hands out of work, thus leading to the influx of South American immigrants to the US. The corn grown to feed the animals you eat along with the slaughterhouses where these animals are processed are the main reason why so many immigrants are in the US. Don’t you dare blame them, blame yourself. Next time you sit down to enjoy that holiday ham, think about where it came from. Better yet, think about that before you buy it. Think about the meat that has been processed with ammonia in order to kill the E-coli that lives within the carcass. Think about the lobbyists and lawyers who used to work for commodity crop and meat industries who are now working for the FDA and EPA. The fact that this is happening in a government I want to trust and I want to have faith in is nauseating to me.

There is a veil between us and where our food comes from – a world deliberately hidden from us. We are entitled to know about our food. So make your three votes per day; make them count. And never give up the conviction and strength that we, as Americans, can turn our society, health and environment around; we can have a better future, but we have to want it badly enough and we have to want it together. Independently of what we’re told to want.


  1. Morally, we can marry anyone we chose, God made man and woman to fit together just like he made the animals that went on the Ark, two by two, Male and female to reproduce. Anyone can seek medical attention whenever needed. If you do not have medical insurance, the hospital will have to see you anyway. If you do have medical insurance, then shame on those who let their insurance companies dictate who they should see and go by the insurance companies' rules. Do not forget, the companies the American people work for are the ones that make the rules for what is in your medical insurance policies. Have a voice and check with your boss if you do not like the way your medical insurance is written.

  2. What does it mean to be an American? It means everything. All you have to do is go abroad and live a year, anywhere at all, and see how great this country is. Men and women are dying to keep this country free and I am so proud of what they do for me. Sure America has problems. There will always be problems on this earth. Man is far from perfect and as long as people are running this country with their opinions, there will be problems. But, we are so much better off than anyone else in other countries. This is the most powerful nation. Watch the news if you do not believe that!! There are good people in this country who make it better everyday. Try and be one of them. Instead of harping on everything bad, try and stay positive with an open mind and reflect on the good in this country, not the controversies that cause trouble...stay positive and do not let what other people do or say determine how you feel!

  3. First of all, don't post anonymously if you're proud of what you have to say. It's annoying.
    This blog was not about God, it was about government. Church and state are removed from one another, so let’s not get those confused. I do have excellent medical insurance and I can see any doctor I choose, but that could change (for anyone) at anytime. Only concerned companies offer insurance, they can only choose the insurance, they don’t make the rules. The insurance companies will continue with their unjust system and processes until the government deems them inadequate.
    I have traveled abroad. I appreciate and am thankful for all the comforts we have in the U.S. It is, however, infuriating that our government allows poisons, unhealthy additives and superfluous calories into our food. 1 in 3 people born after the year 2000 will contract early on-set diabetes. That is completely unacceptable to me. I am 100% committed to and positive about correcting the unhealthy state in which our nation has found itself. This is why I have a blog. I hope to pass along information that will help others choose a healthier life.

  4. Many Americans want to plug their ears and scream, "La la la" when anyone mentions our country's shortcomings. But for me it comes down to this: who loves his country more? Someone who pretends nothing is wrong, or someone who wants to identify the wounds in order to start the recovery process?

    Who loves his country more? Someone who says, "Let's sit on the couch and get fat off all our blessings?" Or someone who says, "Let's continually work to keep in shape?"

  5. Not that I can take too seriously anyone who believes 2 of every species literally boarded a gigantic BOAT to keep from going extinct, but...
    the idea that falling in love could be reduced to a penis "fitting" into a vagina is super shallow. If one could look up from the missionary position for a few seconds, one might see that there are multiple ways of making love.

    I remember someone once attempted to explain why males and females "fit" by using an oversimplified analogy of a plug and a socket. Two plugs do nothing, but a plug and socket make electricity. Okay, but what about rubbing two sticks together to make fire? LOL. What about all the purposeful connections that involve no penetration? Playing instruments, massaging, hugging, sanding down wood, playing tennis, Chinese meditation balls. I am ignoring all the sexual metaphors in that list, but the list could be infinite!

    As for reproduction, what does reproduction really have to do with morals or character? Or love for that matter? I see plenty of love where there is no reproduction and plenty of reproduction where there is no love. They are separate things like chocolate and peanut butter. They go well together for some people and not for others.

    And regarding the animal kingdom... it is far from black and white. There are many same sex pairings. Also, there are many reproduction practices that would seem "nontraditional" to us, like the way sea stars reproduce without any partner, or like the way MALE seahorses get pregnant, or like the way amphibians reproduce without physically "connecting" with a partner.,9171,990813-1,00.html
