Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The First Entry

At the suggestion of some of my friends and co-workers, I have finally started my own blog! It's exciting, but I'm also hesitant since I tend to not stick with long-term writing projects. I perfer the ease of Facebook status updates & link posts; I'm hoping to mearly expand on those thoughts and ideas here.
Side note: Please feel free to give me a swift kick should I have more than six bloggless days!

It is empowering to finally find comfort in who you are and in what you believe. I know many topics will be met with strong critiques and disapproval which is fine. As I see it, if you aren't stirring things up a little, what's the point in speaking at all? I look forward to hearing everyones' opinions and thoughts.

Let the fun begin!

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
- Albert Einstein


  1. Hooray! I'm your first commenter and first follower!

  2. "Only those who risk going to far will ever know how far one can go." TS Eliot

  3. I'm stoked about your blog. It's inspiring and super cute already :)

  4. Oh please do keep it up! A much better forum to let your hair down and say what you really want to say. It's YOUR blog after all! So much better here than Facebook to have public commentary! Maybe you will inspire me to pick mine back up. Hey would love to get together and let you know what I'm up to!
